Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The 36wk check

Today was my 36+3 week check. The doctor completed a cervical exam and concluded I was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. The dilation has begun but it will progress slowly until I reach a dilation of 4cm, then who knows from there how long it will be :)

I'm just very glad my body is doing what it should be doing! Let the fun begin.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The EDD: Sept 24

Her estimated due date is September 24th!

Shout out: That day is special for Alex and Soo Yin too because they will be getting married! Congrats to them. Looking forward to the live video stream of their wedding.

Today I am 35 weeks 1 Day! I have 35 days to go, though I doubt she will arrive on that exact date just because I tell her to! 

Interesting facts:

1. Before pregnancy, the uterus is a small ball the size of your fist and was tucked away neatly behind the pelvis. Today, it is the size of a honeydew melon, reaching all the way up to the ribs!

2. 1/6th of all the body's total blood volume is navigating around in the vessels in the uterus!

3. Baby's nails are growing so long they may curl over the tips of the fingers and toes! She will need a mani and pedi upon arrival!

4. Baby's weight is now around 5.5 lbs (2.38 kg) and 18-18.5 inches in length!

5. The majority of development over the next 5 weeks will be packing on the pounds (gaining weight), Yikes!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The More the Merrier

After sitting thru the Breastfeeding class with me, Elijah is convinced we need more classes! He immediately came home and signed up for the "Baby's First Weeks" class (description below) which is scheduled for September 8th.

Either the Breastfeeding class freaked him out (not likely) and he is convinced we need all the help we can get or he thinks the classes have more to offer than we initially realized. As for me, I found the class so insightful I wouldn't mind signing up for every class available (if time and money were not a factor). The classes also help to pass the time and keep me from going insane with impatience waiting for her arrival.

September is our busiest month so far. Between doctor appointments, birthing classes, and last minute preparations for her arrival I may not have time to stop and take in a breath of fresh air! But I would rather the last moth go by fast rather than drag on. When my mind and body are idle, I go insane. I'm really looking forward to September!

"Baby's First Weeks" Class Description:
"Your baby will be born eager to get to know you. We are just as eager for you to learn about your baby. This class covers the characteristics, sensory skills and abilities of a newborn. It also covers the basics of infant care, common concerns and when to seek medical advice. Be better prepared for your homecoming so that you will fully enjoy your first weeks together."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Thumping

For a while now I've noticed that the LO will start thumping between 10 and 11 at night. It is every night without fail. At first I thought it was only when I laid down on my left side (which does trigger it sometimes), but the thumping started last night while I was still sitting up and wide awake.

It literally is a rhythmic thumping movement that is not rough or sharp but deliberate and consistent. For the life of me, I can't figure out what she is up to. Elijah thinks she is drumming! But we don't have any drummers in either of our families so where did that come from.

At first this worried me and I thought something might be wrong. But I know now she is fine as she is active throughout the day and sleeps most of the night without interruption. Then I thought it might be hiccups. But what are the chances that she would get the hiccups around the same time every night and several hours after I've eaten. Wouldn't she get the hiccups right after I've eaten? When the flavor of my meal can be tasted in the amniotic fluid (that is when babies swallow more)?

I'm keen to see my doctor on Tuesday and ask her about it. I hope she has an answer.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Time to Panic

This soon to be mommy has a billion things left to do! They say pregnancy creates an instinct or urge to prepare the home for the upcoming newborn! When will my nesting instinct kick in?

Haven't washed her clothes or blankets yet!

Haven't set up her crib/bassinet! -Which was given by my sis-in-law.

Haven't packed my hospital bag! - Which is so unlike me because i'm not a last minute packer.

Haven't finalized my birth plan! - I'm hoping the doc will help me with that.

Haven't bought her car seat! - By far the most important thing in my opinion otherwise she can't come home from the hospital.

Haven't finished reading all the books and material the hospital gave me! - I had 9 months and I can't think where all the time went.

My last 2 birthing classes are in September and one of them is 2 weeks before my due date! That was me procrastinating and refusing to sign up earlier :(

Non pregnancy related, I have my road test on September 2nd because I don't have my license and that is the earliest I can schedule it… oh and it is at 7:25am! No choice… the next test would have been in October. I will either be very pregnant then or have a 1 week old baby. YIKES!

Oh and I'm planning to attend all the late summer/autumn festivals (corn festival, watermelon seed speed spitting competition, Tastes of Wisconsin festival, etc)  i've dearly missed over the years while away, most of which are in September!

Despite everything I need to do, i'm surprisingly calm and relaxed… where did that come from??? I asked Elijah the other night when I was suppose to start panicking about this baby and everything that still needs to be done. He said there was no need to panic… until I go into labor and reach the hospital. I suspect he was referring to when he would start panicking!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Hot Pregnancy

When I left Malaysia, I thought things would be easier with the weather in Madison. Less humidity is something I was really looking forward to. But then I got to Madison and I can't stand the dry heat! Based on the weather app, there is hardly any difference!

This coming week will be cooler I hope. But the weather here can also be unpredictable.

This is so frustrating. August seems to be the hottest month and we have some rain which cools things down but then it also brings on the humidity (though not as much as Malaysia). I also realized how much I have relied on the air conditioning in Malaysia. In my father's house there is no central air conditioning. There is a window unit in our bedroom and a portable one in the kitchen/dining room. Despite this, I still struggle with the heat. Perhaps it is just being pregnant. But then I look at Elijah and he seems to be suffering just as much as me.

We have decided that on the hottest days, we will go to the library in town and set up office! The library offers book rentals straight to our iPads! It's a pretty cool library and well air conditioned. And I can read all the baby books they have!

I'm very glad the little one is coming in late September when things cool down. I've heard from friends and family that babies born in summer are very hard to keep cool and take care of. Looks like the little one and I will be eating lots of ice cream to stay cool this summer! The price I pay to stay cool :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Classes

Today Elijah and I enrolled in 2 courses at the hospital. The “Holistic Birth” class is a 2-part session that covers labor and delivery. The other class is one session on “Breastfeeding Basics.”

We also enrolled for a one hour hospital tour where they show the labor rooms, post-delivery rooms, and other facilities. That is on the 7th of September, which was the earliest we could get and the last opening before my due date - and even that was the last 2 spaces so only Elijah and I can go, but it is free, so I can't complain.

We are very excited to take these classes and meet other parents in the area! Reading books can only get you so far. The real value comes in interacting with experts and others in the class.

Class descriptions:

Holistic Birth: This 2-week class focuses on pain-coping techniques, the partner’s role and gaining confidence as you prepare for an unmedicated birth. The class also covers birth plans and use of "alternative" therapies.

Breastfeeding Basics: Learn about the advantages of breastfeeding, and receive tips for a positive and successful experience. Learn to recognize your baby's hunger cues, how to properly position your baby to feed and how to make sure the latch is correct. A lactation consultant or counselor will guide you through the basics of breastfeeding in the early days and weeks. Couples should attend during mid to late pregnancy.

Birthing Center Tour: You will see the Birthing Center, a birthing suite, and a post-partum room.