These days, all that occupies our mind is the question of the baby's gender (I guess I shouldn't include Elijah in that, it's mostly me!). I find myself growing more and more impatient as the days pass, even though I would be happy with either boy or girl, it just seems like a natural need to know. So we began a quest to shed some light on the subject, for the impatient person I am. There are so many tests to choose from and so many theories to sift through. It is hard to decide which to try. So we thought, since these tests are not really based on any scientific research and many have been proven false by science, we will just chose the most interesting 5 and try to determine the gender of our baby. All for the fun of it.
What we are about to share is highly unlike us and not scientific in any way, however we do love to have fun and these were definitely fun tests!
Here goes!
1. Heartbeat Test
Theory Explained: The old wives' tale claims the unborn baby's heart rate can clue a person in as to the gender. If the heart rate is higher than 140 bpm most likely it's a girl. If the heart rate is below 140 bpm, it's a boy.
Result: Our baby's heart rate is 163 beats per minute. That's 1 point for the girl team.
2. Cabbage Test
Theory Explained: This test requires a little more effort. It starts by boiling chunks of red cabbage. After 10 minutes of boiling add 1 part cabbage water to 1 part of mommy's urine, the more concentrated the better. The color indicates gender: If the color changes to pink or red then it's a boy. If it remains purple, it's a girl. This apparently has something to do with Ph levels of the urine.
Result: Based on the picture, the mixture on the top was mixed with my urine and changed to red, the purple water is the original cabbage water. Looks like it's a boy and 1 point for the boy team!
3. Chinese Test
Theory Explained: Chinese Legend has it that the Chinese Gender Chart is over 90% accurate. The chart was buried in a royal tomb near Beijing more than 700 years ago. They say the real one is currently safe in the Institute of Science in Beijing. Based on the mother's age at the time of conception and the month of conception the gender of the baby can be found.
Result: Month - January, Mother's age - 23 = Boy. That's 1 more point for the boy team.
4. Weight Gain
Theory Explained: Luckily this doesn't refer to the mommy. This theory says if the husband puts on weight during pregnancy, it's a girl. If he doesn't put on weight, it's a boy.
Result: Still a bit early to know for sure, but it looks like Elijah is maintaining his weight well, despite the fact that he finishes most of my meals when I can't. So that's another point for the boy team.
5. Cravings Test
Theory Explained: Many believe that the cravings a mommy have are caused by the sex of the baby. Sweet cravings indicate a girl and Sour/ Savory cravings indicate boy.
Result: As much of a sweet tooth as I usually have, I can't seem to finish the bag of M&Ms Elijah bought me from the US. And I'm certainly not craving sweet food. I'd have to say that even though I don't have specific cravings for any particular food, I always go for savory (How unlike me!). And so another point for the boy team.
Based on the 5 selected tests, the score is girls 1 point and boys 4 points. Boys win. Of course we wont really know the gender of the baby until closer to May, but this was fun nonetheless!
Take our Gender Poll and put in your very educated guess! And if you have heard of any other gender prediction theories, we would love to hear about them, leave a comment and share with us!
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