Friday, May 20, 2011

The Food

At this stage the baby is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid everyday. This is for both nutrition as well as to practice swallowing and digesting. But more importantly, the taste buds are actually working. Studies show that babies respond best to tastes they've already encountered via the amniotic fluid. This means every time I bite into my sandwich, I'm preparing my baby for food it will favor in the future.

This got us thinking. What kind of food do we want our child to eat. Certainly not junk food, but what types?

The Top 10 Most Tasty Cuisines:
1. French
2. Italian
3. Chinese
4. Indian
5. Thai
6. Mexican
7. Japanese
8. Spanish
9. Greek
10. Lebanese

Based on this list we are focusing on 5 of these cuisines: Italian (representing western), Chinese, Indian, Mexican and Japanese. We are choosing these partly because they are my (Sarah) favorites (not in that order) but also because each one has distinctly different tastes from the other types. Each one uses different spices in various ways to bring out the best in the dish.

I'm really enjoying northern Indian food more these days and I need curry at least once a week. I'm also undertaking a study of my own to see if I can train the baby to like durian. Elijah is convinced the baby won't like it, partly because all the first born in his family do not eat durian and partly because I didn't feel very good on Friday after gorging myself with the best durian money can buy. Nevertheless, I'm determined to try. Anyone interested in taking me for durian?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I dun really like to eat but dunno why I prefer the frozen durian. it's taste super..
    anyway u plan a date to go eat durian..joshua & i will company u..haha :D
