Friday, June 24, 2011

The 3D/4D Scan (Part 2)

Here she is!
The scan went as well as can be. Our first try was not so successful. She was turned inward toward my pelvis and had her hands covering her face. So the doctor checked all the vital organs, like liver, heart, lungs while waiting for her to reposition herself. He also checked her spine. Everything was in perfect order (not that I had expected anything less). It is just common procedure to check all the important things.

The doctor asked that I come back 30 minutes later for another try. He suggested I walk around and have something sweet to drink. This would help to reposition her. We sat at Starbucks for those 30 minutes talking to her. I was rubbing my belly and asking her to cooperate with the doctor. I must have looked silly but I didn't care. Elijah also talked to her and asked that she show us her pretty face! So 30 minutes later we went back. And sure enough, she had repositioned and we got a better look at her face! Half of her face this time, but it is better than no face. Her hands were still near her face but not in the way, too much. Her estimated weight is 1100 grams or 2 lbs 7ozs.

It was a really awesome experience and we are happy with the visit. The doctor was gentle and very experienced. Enjoy the videos!

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