Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Story

Sarah waiting at the clinic
The night started out with a simple home pregnancy test that changed everything. Within a minute it was confirmed, as the plus sign slowly appeared on the stick, that we were going to be parents. It was 6pm. We started with the easiest to reach group by pingchat to Ebbie and Joey. It was only a minute before the mayhem started! Ebbie insisted we go to the doctor to confirm, right away. After explaining to her that it was too late and our doctor was closed for the day, she sent us the number of her doctor (who handled Ryan's birth). Apparently her doctor works from 8:30-11pm. But we had a meeting to go to and told her we couldn't just drop everything. Knowing Ebbie her reply was only too easy to guess, "Of course you can!"

We looked at each other and locked eyes. It was a few minutes before we said anymore. So much was running through our minds at the time. We were excited about our future together with a new baby, delighted that our plans were falling into place (by God's grace),  and uncertain about what we should and shouldn't do over the next nine months. It is as if our minds kicked into high gear at the thought of how the next nine months would play a critical role in the future of our child's life.

After our meeting, we drove to the clinic. Few words were said as we quietly contemplated how fast everything was moving for us. The waiting room was quiet with a few families scattered about. It was only 10 minutes that passed before the doctor would see us. It was 9:20pm. She was petite, with a calm reassuring face. She kindly gestured for us to be seated. The chair was cold, but the thought passed quickly when she asked, "What can I do for you?"

In the few short minutes that followed, there was no doubt in our minds that by God's grace and love (as we are so often reminded by friends) we would be parents in 9 short months.


  1. Indeed, thank God for His grace...and love.

    There's always a first to everything...parenthood being one.

    Welcome aboard!

  2. Congratulations!
    Grandma Baker & I must be the first to know as it is 7:30 am Jan 20th here.
