Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Gender!

It's a Girl!

Elijah and I are both extremely happy with the outcome and despite my own feeling that it would be a boy, i'm happy to be wrong in this matter.

Of all 4 grandparents, only 1 (grandpa bristol) guessed girl. The greatest reaction in the room after cutting the cake was shock! We had a total of 17 votes for boy and 13 votes for girl. Despite being pretty balanced, it seemed like the boy group was much more confident!

There are still some people who are skeptical and think the doctor made a mistake. For those people and my own curiosity, at my next appointment I will have him double confirm! But I'm sure nothing will change and my bliss can continue uninterrupted forever!

As the guests arrived, they were ushered over to our voting board, where ultrasound photos were posted for their reference should they need help guessing if it was a boy or girl. They then proceeded to place a  guess under boy or girl, took a blue or pink ribbon based on their guess, and filled out a name tag with a baby name suggestion. Below are the votes (from those at the party and those who did not attend) and some of the baby name suggestions that I can recall.

The votes were as follows (winning team first), followed by the suggested baby name:
1. Caylie - Rainbow Low
2. Dylan
3. Dayson
4. Ratna
5. Kendra - Lucy Bow Low
6. Caleb
7. David Tan - Elizabeth Low
8. Annie
9. Joshua
10. Elijah
11. Grandpa Bristol
12. Joel
13. Victory - Kyria Charis

1. Joey
2. Ebbie
3. Grandma Low - Alberto Low
4. Grandpa Low - David John Low
5. Debbie
6. Saundra - Aiden Low
7. Jared
8. Timothy Lim
9. Iris - Cyrus Low
10. Stephanie Tan
11. Yuki
12. Grandma Bristol - Josiah Jon Low
13. Anna
14. Sean
15. MJ
16. Sarah
17. Vivi

I want to thank the Grandparents for their support, even if Elijah did not produce a son first (because as we all know, men are responsible for determining gender!). A big thanks to Jared and Stephanie who took photos. Also, thanks to Yuki who contributed boy and girl bodysuits, dresses, booties, mitts, hats (the works) toward the decorations at the party! To Esther and Michelle, the cake was perfect in every way possible and so delicious! Ebbie, thank you for moderating the online part of things and staying up late to watch the chaos unfold. Thanks to Caylie and my mom who helped decorate and keep me calm, and my mom-in-law, for helping to arrange the food. To the sponsors, your contributions were immensely appreciated. And finally to all the guests, both physically at the party and virtually in attendance, you made the party a success!

Photos will follow soon (as soon as my camera guy passes them over)!

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