Monday, May 9, 2011

The 20 Week Scan & Pregnancy Highlights

Today was the 20-week scan. The doctor’s priority was determining gender so we can move ahead with our plans for the Baby G.A.P. After some time the doctor finished and told us he was 99% sure. That’s the best we can hope for. We passed the sealed envelope to the baker already and we are really excited for the dinner on Thursday.
20 weeks - 2 images, Left: Head, Right: Body (baby is too big to fit whole body into one picture)

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 20 weeks 
Size of baby: small cantaloupe 
Maternity Clothes: Things are getting a quite snug. Still too small for maternity clothes. Too big for normal clothes, although I do have some favorite comfy pants. I prefer to wear dresses. 
Gender: Will find out on Thursday night.
Name: Slowly but surely narrowing it down for boy and girl. Will work more on the names after we know gender. 
Movement: I’m beginning to recognize the kicks easier every day. Baby is most active in the evening and early morning or 30 mins after I’ve eaten. Elijah hasn't felt the kicks yet.
Heartbeat: Strong. Forgot to get a reading at this last appointment. 
What I miss: Bak Kut Teh and peanuts
Symptoms: Not many now. Occasional heartburn, backaches, and sometimes swollen ankles. 
Medications: Prenatal vitamins, Calcium and Omega 3   
Best Moment this week: Seeing the baby on an ultrasound today. 
Funny Moment this week: Baby kept crossing its legs while the doctor was trying to determine gender, not very cooperative.
20 week scan details:
Estimated Fetal Weight: 385grams
Head: 46.9mm (equivalent to 20wks 1day)
Abdominal Circumference: 157.9mm (equivalent to 20wks 6day)
Femur Length: 34.3mm (equivalent to 20wks 6day)
Translating these numbers: Basically the baby is right on schedule and development is normal.


  1. I can see the baby face & body..
    haha.. remind me about Janson..also crossing his leg too even though in 3D also can't find the gender...might only found out on your last few week before the baby be prepare
    hehe :P

  2. At this point i'm prepared for anything. My mom-in-law was telling me of the story of Ebbie in the womb and how the doctor said it was a boy based on the ultrasound. Clearly she came out 100% girl :)
